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  • The U.S. Senate is a very unusual political institution.

    Lincoln Mitchell: 2009 Was Not the Senate's Finest Year 2010

  • The U.S. Senate is a very unusual political institution.

    2009 Was Not the Senate's Finest Year 2010

  • The U.S. Senate is the most undemocratic upper house in the world (with the exception of Britain's almost powerless House of Lords): every state sends two senators to Washington regardless of its population, which means that Wyoming's 481,000 inhabitants have the same voice in the Senate as California's 31 million.

    Doubts About Democracy 2008

  • In essence, the U.S. Senate will be the key to our success in the year of 2009 regardless of the election outcome.


  • The U.S. Senate is the equivalent of the House of Lords, in how it allows established fiefdoms in the form of U.S. States to have a share of political power.

    One of the Few Things I’m With the White House On « Whatever 2007

  • The party still doesn't have a big-name U.S. Senate candidate and the Republican Senate caucus has just gone through its own wrenching leadership change. 2012

  • The U.S. Senate, which is narrowly controlled by Democrats, is expected to approve a similar measure later this week. - Top Stories 2011

  • Who called the U.S. Senate the world's greatest deliberative body? on Yedda. who called the U.S. Senate the world's greatest deliberative body?

    Recent Activity 2010

  • Who called the U.S. Senate the world's greatest deliberative body? on Yedda. who called the U.S. Senate the world's greatest deliberative body?

    Recent Activity 2010

  • How the U.S. Senate was a roadblock to women's suffrage.

    Feministing 2010


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